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High-Value Equipment Monitoring and Predictive Analytics
Software to monitor a multi-million dollar critical piece of equipment for anomalies. Uses machine learning to set parameters.

Mobile Engine Data Acquisition Software for NPD
LabVIEW software to monitor direct input sensors as well as CAN data from an engine to support a new product development effort.

Database Logging of EOL Test Data for Power Systems Switchgear
Our customer, a manufacturer of switchgear for the power industry needed access to its manufacturing test data. Our SR Database Logger...

Automated High-Volume End-of-Line (EOL) Testing of Automotive Components
Software platform for cRIO-based automated high-volume end-of-line functional testing of electromechanical devices for a tier 1 supplier.

Real-Time Truck Engine and Body Simulator for Transmission EOL Testing
Software for a real-time cRIO-based truck engine and truck body simulator for a manufacturer of truck transmissions.

Biolab Test Equipment Software
...the software was an integral part of their product helped cement their reputation for developing quality laboratory equipment.

Hydraulic Pump EOL Functional Test Software
Software for EOL testing of our customer's hydraulic pump products. Using our flexible software platform, it tests a variety of products.

Functional Test Software for Hydraulic Cylinders
We developed cRIO-based electronic controls and software to automate the testing of 75 ft long, 20,000 psi hydraulic cylinders.

Gamma Ray Imaging Software
Developed data acquisition and analysis software for a gamma-ray based imaging system for industrial applications.

Vehicle Control Unit Software Platform for Heavy Equipment
Development of vehicle control unit (VCU) software platform for a new heavy machine as part of a client's new product development effort.

Control Software for a CT Scanner
When they needed a new control system for a CT scanner, Marquette's Biomedical Engineering department turned to Sentient Revolution.

Situational Awareness and Collision Mitigation for Heavy Equipment
We created a prototype software platform for real-time cRIO-based situational awareness and collision mitigation system for heavy equipment.

Validation Test Software for Surge Arrestors
A major manufacturer of surge arrestors for power distribution turned to us when it needed to upgrade its surge arrestor test laboratories.

Cardiac Ablation Situational Awareness Prototype Software
We developed prototype software to augment a physician’s situational awareness during a cardiac ablation procedure.

Migrating Test Software to a Modern Computing Platform
Migrated the control systems of a high-power laboratory to modern software based on NI TestStand resulting in a major reliability.

End-of-Line (EOL) Test Software for Surge Protection Devices
The customer needed the software on a very aggressive timeline due to schedule difficulties and unexpected demand for their new product.
Past Project List
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